Усі вакансії / Вакансії по рубриках / Інша робота
Дана вакансія втратила актуальність 24 Червня 2020 р.
Дані наведені виключно в ознайомлювальних цілях. Контактна інформація прихована та допоміжні функції вимкнені


Marketing Operations Manager

за домовленістю

Компанія: OSF Digital
Контактна особа: Andriy
Місто (регіон): Чернівці

Основна інформація:

Our Marketing Operations team supports the growth of our global marketing engine. As the leader of this team, you will combine marketing expertise with a deep knowledge of marketing automation to scale the infrastructure of our growing marketing team. You will build systems ensuring that no lead is left behind, every marketing touch-point is measured quantitatively in a robust, but highly organized reporting format, and help drive growth through informed, data-driven decisions. Requirements Have at least 2 years of management experience in a growth, acquisition, or operations marketing team, preferably in a B2B and global setting, or the equivalent. Advanced proficiency and hands-on experience in marketing automation platforms (Marketo ) and CRM (Salesforce ) and have experience integrating those systems with other modern marketing technologies. Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English (your CV should be written in English only!) Be naturally curious about building and optimizing marketing technology and processes. Are passionate about creating and optimizing lead nurture streams, building and testing landing pages and forms that convert, and understanding lead routing processes, segmentation, and channel level reporting to make a big impact on channel and campaign performance. Strong team player who is willing to do what it takes to achieve goals. Demonstrated ability to use data to make decisions and segment audiences. Nice to have Experience with components of a modern marketing tech stack like Google Analytics, Segment, SQL, Excel, HTML/JavaScript, CMS, and webinar platforms. Responsibilities: Act as the primary owner and administrator of our marketing automation platform, such as Marketo, Hubspot, etc., and manage all aspects of database segmentation, nurture flows, and lead lifecycle. Support the development of marketing and campaign strategies with data-backed insights that answer key business questions. Build and maintain marketing performance and attribution data for use in Salesforce dashboards and reports to ultimately track the health of the marketing funnel against goals, and spot gaps/trends. Lead, measure, and analyze the effectiveness of marketing channels and campaigns as they relate to company objectives. Manage a small team of campaign specialists who serve our markets around the globe with campaign launch, management and reporting. Manage and optimize Marketing Technology & Operations budget. Ensure all marketing systems work in concert to provide reliable data that improves lead conversion and velocity for our global sales teams. Maintain high levels of data quality by building standardized lead capture and routing processes. Develop and maintain database segmentation for highly personalized marketing programs by region, persona, language, etc Assist with the development of landing pages and consistently test variations to improve performance


Строк вакансії збіг. Контакти приховані

Дана вакансія втратила актуальність 24 Червня 2020 р.
Дані наведені виключно в ознайомлювальних цілях. Контактна інформація прихована та допоміжні функції вимкнені



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Вакансії в категорії: Інша робота
Вакансії в регіоні: Чернівці

Ринок працевлаштування в Чернівцях та області: кількість вакансій (вільних робочих місць) та резюме претендентів (працівників, що шукають роботу) по регіонам Чернівців

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